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Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   Pointrentalliquidators - PRL/Sunset Harbor Resorts Company

I received a call stating changes and a new concept to my RCI vacation points. The meeting was at Applebee's and I would be treated to a free dinner. The company representing RCI was PRL (Points Rental Liquidators). I was guaranteed to receive a check in 6 to 7 months for the points they (PRL) used to rent my timeshare. In exchange I had to purchase a timeshare with Sunset Harbor Resorts in Willis, TX. That would give me 27,000 points added to my already RCI points. I could transfer more points if I wanted. (I did not at that time). Prl was going to pay out from $0.085 - $.0875 per point. I signed a "PRL Guaranteed Points Rental Agreement" on March 28, 2012 and it cost $498.00 to join. I received a n invoice for $273. for maintenance fees (as stated that I woul... Read More

Rec'd call supposedly from RCI saying they wanted to update us on changes, @Perkins Restaurant In Wis. Got there and were told about RCI lawsuit briefly. then told they could help us w/timeshare maintenance fees, exchange fees, etc. etc. if we joined PRL ($498) and and free timeshare exchanges if we joined VSI ($199). But we had to buy into Sunset Harbor Resort, Willis, Texas ($8,000.00)+ $84.00 maintenance fee for 2012. PRl promised to bring us 8.5c for each point we had and would easily pay for maintenance fees, exchange fee assoc. w/ our other timeshare owned, and have extra monies to use for other expenses. Have rec'd nothing from PRL, never used VSI as we were never given our points from Sunset Harbor. We didn't need another timeshare as what we have fit out needs... Read More

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