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If you have been victimized by either a timeshare resale firm or a timeshare resort, add your complaint below.

Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   TIMESHARE HOTLIST Company

They had someone call and state that they had someone that was wanting to rent my timeshare week. They took the money from me on the fact that they were legitimate and had numerous people that could rent my location. I then never heard back from anyone. Later after they took my money, they then said that I would have to call back every 90 days to renew (though they said it was a lifetime membership!!! I emailed them and cancelled it within the 3 days, after the fact they told me about the 90 days. They then begged me to give them "one" more chance and that if they could not find a renter I could still get out of the contract. Well, that never happened and they have denied everything.

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