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Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   RCI Epic Journary. Company

We thought we were getting a good deal!!! No way , we were to turn our Wyndham contracts (4) 0ver to Epic Journey thru Sumday Vacations in exchange for 57,600 RCI points. WE were to be considered Platinum owners. When we tried to make a reservation we found 57,600 didn't count for anything. There was absolutely no place we could go for that few points. We also found out later that Wyndham that bought RCI. We feel we were enticed into a bad deal with the promise of NO MORE high monthly maintenance fees. under this program it would be pd. once a year. OKAY! So now we start dealing w/Sumday Vacations on the turning over of the deeds and the costs only to find out we can't deal with any contract that has points used from it for this. That applies to 3 of the 4, and the fees keep inc... Read More

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