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Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  > Company

I recently read a complaint about ignoring e-mails requesting progress reports. At the time I thought that the complainant was perhaps being unreasonable in his expectation in demanding a reply so soon. To test the theory I too sent a request for a progress report and surprise, surprise received no response. Since then I have sent both a request and a demand instructing not to take off USD 10,00 once the 3 month contract with them runs out.

Well no surprise there, not so much as an acknowledgement. Who knows maybe by asking this question on this forum may result in the long awaited reply. I would urge anyone considering selling their timeshares through this Company reconsider, as these guys are initially very accommodating until suc... Read More

I paid the advertising fee over a month ago and have requested a progress report several times and got no answer. I also asked for details of the ad so I could satisfy myself that it had been placed. No reply. Do these people ever answer emails even briefly? I am wondering if I have been ripped off. Another company took my money 3 years ago and didnt report back either.

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