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If you have been victimized by either a timeshare resale firm or a timeshare resort, add your complaint below.

Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   Pointrentalliquidators - PRL Company

We were presented an offer to buy our weeks at RCI and purchase a timeshare at Sunset Harbor 11-17-2011.
We were promised 8500 for the first year and 6400 for the next year.
I have called and written and not gotten anything but email from BJ Cooke.

I tried to call today and it says the phone is disconnected.

We are out $498 with PRL and $7002 that we have paid for Sunset Harbor.

Presentation on 9-26-12 No contact after Emails sent
He finally called and appeared to have a good excuse because he had an inaccurate email address for us. We let the charge stand on our credit card. We were really duped. Their setup of people and the pass around was quite a system. Do we even have the timeshare or the points with RCI?

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