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If you have been victimized by either a timeshare resale firm or a timeshare resort, add your complaint below.

Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   Horizon Travel Xchange (HTC) now horizon travel Company

Agent called. Submitted offer. I accepted it. I told them no money up front.
*******Newer scam. Now collect in the back with all kinds of bizarre reasons to ask for funds now in order to close. And you as the seller are losing rational thoughts in order to get it closed. This group is very smooth. They want 672.00 for your share of closing costs. Then they wanted 850.00 to pay for Mexican. notary and taxes and attorney. I don't need no stinking attorney,!!!!!!!!Then they wanted 925.00 to pay recording fee. Now it is getting very smelly....
I called the resort. 1.. Seller does not pay closing costs. 2. There is no need for notary services. There are no mexican taxes as your property is classified as RTU... Right to use. You don' t own anything. 3. Recording fees. T... Read More

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