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Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   Fidelis Title and Escrow Company

Lead me to believe they were a title company that held all fees in escrow in case anything went wrong with the sale. They first hit us with the large fee that my resort does charge to transfer ownership and after that it was one fee after another always with the promise that our money was safe and we would be satisfied with their service. 100's of email and phone calls were all full of lies.
the long and short of it is we lost an embarrassing amount of money $21,000, they no longer call me since I found out the truth that they are scammers.
They are very good at what they do--client referrals, nothing negative on Google, and a Yellow Pages add that goes back several years.
Do not give them any money. Luis Sanchez was the "lawyer" they hired to do the feet on the ground ... Read More

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