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Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   C&S TRUST SERVICES and Enterprise Corporate Services Company

C&S Trust Services/Settlement was used by Enterprise Corporate Services (timeshare broker) as a escrow service. They told us we needed to pay bank charges so the money from the customer's bank account could be released. ECS told us all the funds will be reimbursed per the contract between the buyer and Broker. We payed (international wire transfer) and C&S came back and said the money had been seized by the US government while being wired to the US bank. They reestablished an account and asked us to pay another bank charge. We did and now they say the money never made it to the account. Our bank has verified that the money has been transferred successfully. Both C&S Services and Enterprise Corporate Services cannot be reached and are not answering their phones. We di... Read More

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