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Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   American Star Investments Company

American Star Investments

Look at the comments at # (843) 282-7930. They all apply to this scam.

I sure wish I had found the website when I did a web search back in April before I plopped down $1,865. I looked at every page that came up from searching "American Star Investments" - don't know why I didn't find any scam alerts that time. Alexix had also encouraged me to send my money in and get in the queue before the buyer they had for my property was sent to another seller. My mistake falling prey to hurrying.

For my original research I looked up the address they wanted me to send the cashier's check to using Google Maps and called some local businesses by there and it was basically just a mail depot. I also looked up the Wyoming addres... Read More

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