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If you have been victimized by either a timeshare resale firm or a timeshare resort, add your complaint below.

Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   AEM Real Estate/Elite Escrow Company

AEM promised that I would have to send no money in order to receive $37,000 for the sale of my timeshare. I insisted on this because I didn't think it was legitimate. i also thought that I did a good job checking on there legitimacy before going any further. Their contract and documents all looked professional and legal. They got me on a clause in the contract that said that i would be responsible for any fees or taxes unpaid. As I knew there weren't any I signed the contract. Then they came up with fees and taxes I hadn't anticipated, amounting to thousands. Eventually I realized that it was a scam and that they would never run out of fees and taxes.

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