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If you have been victimized by either a timeshare resale firm or a timeshare resort, add your complaint below.

Timeshare Scams and Fraud

On Nov. 8, 2017 I bought a Wyndham Resorts timeshare ONLY because Orlando Milner assured me that since Wyndham had purchased RCI, Wyndham would take over the annual payments my elderly mother and I were making to RCI. I would then make payments only to Wyndham and be a member of their Wyndham Vacation Ownership program. Orlando assured me that the payments to Wyndham would NOT be in addition to the RCI payments. I would only pay the annual Wyndham fees.
I have been waiting since the purchase to receive a quit claim deed form that my mother and I would sign over to Wyndham. Needless to say, in spite of numerous attempts to contact anyone at Wyndham, I have been ignored. Phone messages and emails have rarely been returned and when they have it has just been to set up a time to t... Read More

Amber Snow called me in early November and stated that they understand I had a timeshare to sell. I told her yes, then she proceeded with they have a buyer that was interested and could close in 60 days. I pondered this for a week or so and after several conversations with her, she convinced me, as she was so professional and the contract looked legit. I was to wire 2,950.00 to get started on the sellers part, assured that there would be no more to pay. Did that and continued to communicate, turned over to Julia Griffin who would have other paperwork, title search, etc. done. Assured me the closing would be done the week of Christmas. After several conversations and emails, she requested that I pay 3,375.00. Explained that I was told no more was to be paid by me. She said this ... Read More

Two bogus companies working together. They are not registered in their states, their addresses are false, and I suspect the names that they use are false .

Vinter Trust & Assets : 1571M arket Street , Denver Co. 80202

Looking to launch legal suit for fraud, harassment, and overall illegal practices. If others are interested, I may consider going class action suit in U.S.A. but may be forced to apply in Mexico. Should enough people wish, it will be lucrative for a law firm working at %. Please advise quickly, I have already warned them of this happening soon.

This company contacted my mother about a timeshare she purchased in Mexico many years ago. Told her they could get her over $100,000 if she signed a contract with them. She had them email all documents to me and after reading the contract I could tell it was a scam. They are preying on senior citizens. The person told me my mother would need to send $12000 to the title company in Mexico and then they would send her a check from their buyer. He said either my wire, cashiers check or directly to her bank account. Thank goodness I was able to figure out this was a lie because my mother who is over 70 would have fallen for this because the money is a lot. I told them to remove her name and never contact us again. I pray they haven't scammed too many people with their offer bec... Read More

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